Star Stuff Boutique Needs Your Help!
Hello everyone,
I have started this emergency relief fund to assist with upcoming bills and some emergency items needed for the COVID19 lockdown. Seeing as we cannot work from our studio anymore we have moved what we can to our family's home. We have been on lockdown for a week and need your assistance now more than ever.
About my business:
As a professional costume and accessories designer I own a small business online in the Etsy marketplace. It's been difficult lately to scrape up enough money for bills and daily needs for myself but I've been able to push through it. Over the years I've established full time and part-time jobs all while still creating beautiful mermaid accessories. Last year I left my full-time job to continue working full time on my dream job Star Stuff. It was becoming very difficult for me to stay afloat before this crisis. Now the time has come where we are all facing a scary epidemic and we need to stick together. Being on lockdown means I cannot order some supplies needed to keep creating some items. Other small businesses and shops I have purchased from have closed. I need your help in raising this money to assist my small business in everyday items and bills that will collect from my bank account automatically. Please help us get through these trying times. I will post updates on my work I am trying to do from home so you know I am a hard worker who loves and appreciates you.
Thank you,